There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
The Story Shop: Dino Danger
Dino Danger! is the third visit to the Story Shop, a special shop in Puddletown High Street, which sells adventures which customers can really take part in. Shopkeeper, Wilbur, and his assistant, Fred Ferret, are ready to help everyone step into their own adventure…
When timid Bear is given a voucher for an adventure by his friend, Ted, Wilbur and Fred decide that a dinosaur adventure is just the thing he needs. With Fred’s help, this scaredy-Bear manages to find the courage to challenge Big T to a game of crazy golf, return a group of Tricereatots to their teacher and identify the veggie thief on the dinosaur allotments.
As with the previous ‘Story Shop’ books, ‘Dino Danger!’ is perfect for younger readers as an independent read or as a story to share. Tracey’s use of gentle humour and endearing characters make each book accessible and enjoyable and the three linked adventures in each book allow children to build their reading stamina whilst the short chapters with plentiful illustrations make the books achievable.
Fred Ferret is the perfect companion for Bear’s adventure and is on hand to support and encourage him as he faces each new challenge. Initially, Fred uses a special rock which he calls a ‘Crystal of Calm’ to make Bear believe in himself, but by the end of the story, it becomes clear that all the brave and clever things Bear has done are because if who he is and not because of the stone. Many children will identify with Bear, feeling nervous or frightened of unfamiliar situations and these stories are perfect for encouraging discussions about self belief. By the end of the book, timid Bear has enjoyed his Story Shop adventures and is keen to tell his pal, Ted, all about them, leaving the Story Shop quite a different character to the one who entered it!
These stories are a real celebration of the imagination and a wonderful starting point for encouraging children to develop their own adventures - ones which they would choose if they were able to visit Wilbur and Fred- and to act these out using their own props and costumes. Tony Neal’s lively illustrations add much to the text and the book ends with a guess the dinosaur from their silhouette activity and some dinosaur jokes! Great fun!
The Story Shop: Dino Danger!
Tracey Corderoy, illustrated by Tony Neal
Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788953320
Published 2nd March 2023
You can read my review of ‘Blast Off’ here and ‘Anchors Away!’ here.