
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Blog Tour, Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher Blog Tour, Fiction, Adventure Sue Wilsher

Blog Tour: Wendington Jones and the Missing Tree

Today, I am delighted to be taking part in the Blog Tour for ‘Wendington Jones and the Missing Tree’. This story is a thoroughly enjoyable adventure with Wendington being an original, engaging protagonist. Many twists, turns and red herrings keep the reader guessing throughout whilst rooting for the young heroine as she makes her literal (and metaphorical!) journey. But who is Wendington Jones? Author, Daniel Dockery, tells us more…

Wendington Jones is an adventurer. A classic old-school, horse-riding, 1920’s boot-stomping anthropologist in training. But she’s a modern-day interpretation of what those explorers could have been in a better world. A kinder, more scientifically minded swashbuckler who’s still as daring, even if she’s a little too naïve about the way the world, and the people in it, really are. So when setbacks come, it’s up to Wendington’s indomitable spirit to get herself back up again, learn from her mistakes and forge forward. To see the world, and not destroy it in the process. The point of view, if the hero of 1999’s The Mummy had been Rachel Weisz’s bold, forthright librarian, and not Brendan Fraser’s wise-cracking, treasure hunter.

Setting it in the hopeful, if now ill-fated 1920s, puts Wendington in the age of discovery and at the forefront of Women’s suffrage. It’s a huge playground in which to throw a bold, engineering focused want-to-be adventurer. And while we don’t miss out on either the twisting plot or thrilling action, this is also a story of something else. The story of a young woman who’s lived her life entirely in the books she’s read and not the real world. Someone who thinks she’s ready for just about anything. Until her mother’s death brings Wendington’s whole world crashing down around her.

Wendington’s grief both drives and consumes her. This is also how a resilient, if bookish young woman, is forced to pick up the shattered pieces of her life and try to find a way to put them back together again. It is the same journey anyone who has been through intense grief has been forced to do so, through perhaps they had fewer people shooting at them while they did it. And like most young adults facing the tough realities of the world in front of them, Wendington has the tools to help herself, she just doesn’t quite know how to use them just yet. And it’s only through trial and error, doggedness and the kindness of others that she learns to walk again.

Courageous, analytic and practical when all else fails, Wendington’s an old school adventurer for our modern-day age. One with doggedness, brilliance and kindness running through her veins. A wit as dry as the Egyptian sands, Wendington’s got the taste for adventure, now all she has to do is survive long enough to find her next one. . .

 Wendington Jones and the Missing Tree Daniel Dockery

UCLan Publishing ISBN: 978-1915235374

Published 6th April 2023

Many thanks to Daniel and the team at UCLan for inviting me to take part in this Blog Tour. ‘Wendington Jones and the Missing Tree’ is a great read- perfect for Y6 and above!

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