There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
Cool Technology
The ‘Cool’ series is incredibly popular at school with children eagerly seeking one which they haven’t read. From Architecture to Astronomy, from Maths to Mythology, there is a book in this fact-packed, accessible series that offers the perfect introduction to the subject.
Released on the 13th January, ‘Cool Technology’ is the latest addition to the series and is every bit as absorbing as the others. Starting with a technology timeline, the book starts with the earliest technological advances of the Stone Age- tools, needles and rope- and travels all the way to the possibilities of technology of the future. The information is clearly and concisely presented in bite-sized chunks, giving enough information to both satisfy and to spark curiosity and lead to further investigation.
The book also includes mini-biographies of some significant figures who made particular contributions to technological advancements. Clearly acknowledging the moveable type invented decades previously in China and Korea, the author focuses on how Gutenberg’s press took off in Europe, enabling far more people to have access to books. Annie Easley is another example whose work and achievements are celebrated in this book.
There are also experiments and activities included which link to the information in the text. How to draw pixel art and how to have a go at potato print moveable type are just a couple of the activities suggested. There are plenty of illustrations throughout the book to add to the appeal!
There is so much in this book which supports the curriculum as well as satisfying curiosity and answering questions. Links can be made with History, Science and sustainability as well as art and computing. Perfect for school or home, ‘Cool Technology’ is another winner!
Cool Technology Jenny Jacoby, illustrated by Jem Venn
Pavilion ISBN: 978-1843655152