
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Blog Tour, Fiction, Folklore, Folktales, Wales Sue Wilsher Blog Tour, Fiction, Folklore, Folktales, Wales Sue Wilsher

Blog Tour: Welsh Giants, Ghosts and Goblins

I am delighted to be taking part in the Blog Tour for the very wonderful ‘Welsh Giants, Ghosts and Goblins’ by the equally wonderful Claire Fayers! As a great lover of myths, legends, fables and folklore, I collect these stories wherever I go and am always thrilled when a new collection appears.

Before you have even opened it to discover the delights within, it has to be said that ‘Welsh Giants, Ghosts and Goblins’ is a beautifully produced book. The green hardback perfectly complements the gold lettering and design of the cover by Becka Moor, making this a book to be gifted, treasured, loved and passed on. And (as one of those weird booklovers who can always be found sniffing books!) it smells great too!

In this collection, Claire has taken seventeen traditional Welsh tales and has used her own special magic to re-imagine them for a new generation. In doing so, she has created a treasure trove of tales, offering something new whilst acknowledging the old, allowing readers to investigate the stories which inspired her should they wish to do so.

Each story starts with an author’s note which sets the scene and sometimes offers guidance on pronunciation- essential support for anyone sharing these at a story time. I particularly enjoyed ‘The Green Lady of Caerphilly Castle’ which, inspired by the story, I am planning to visit very soon! But then, I am planning to spend quite a lot of time exploring Wales due to this book!

In some stories, such as the Green Lady, Claire has stayed fairly true to the original; others, she has cleverly altered to offer a new or different take on the tale. In ‘Sir John and the Dragon’, the addition of Mags, a lively, intelligent orphan, which allows a far more satisfactory conclusion to the story of Denbigh’s dragon.

I could easily write about each of the stories and how much I enjoyed them, but that would make this piece far too long. Suffice it to say that for those who love folklore, this is an essential collection. For those who don’t, this is the collection you need to change that!

Welsh Giants, Ghosts and Goblins

Claire Fayers, illustrated by Becka Moor

Firefly Press ISBN: 1915444707

You can find out more about Claire and her books on her website:

Many thanks to the lovely people at Firefly Press for inviting me to take part on this Blog Tour!

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