
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Achondroplasia Sue Wilsher Fiction, Achondroplasia Sue Wilsher

I Got This

Erin is outgoing, chatty, has a beautiful singing voice and a MASSIVE Afro. She also has achondroplasia, a form of dwarfism. Both Erin and her little brother, Joe, who also has achondroplasia, are about to face the challenges of a new school- Erin to secondary whilst Joe is starting primary. Neither has the best start so to try and make Joe feel better, Erin rashly promises him that she will win a place as a member of Fusion Junior, a new group being created by Erin’s favourite band, Fusion. Encouraged and supported by her best friend, Aimee, Erin starts to create her videoed audition for the band. However, when Isla, known to Aimee and Erin from primary school and also set on auditioning for Fusion Junior, gets wind of these plans, she plays on Erin’s insecurities, making her worry that Aimee’s help will not be enough. Torn between the need to keep her promise to her brother and loyalty to her best friend, Erin faces some tough choices.

‘I Got This!’ is a brilliant read which seamlessly combines details of life with achondroplasia, based on the real-life experiences of Cara Mailey, with a compelling and satisfying story. Details of the daily challenges Erin faces are evident from the opening chapter when she gets locked in the toilets at the concert she is attending because, although she managed to lock the door using her shoe, she has no way of opening it again. By openly addressing things like the different ways people react when they see her and her family- the smilers, the not-so-secret glancers, the starers and the secret photographers- the reader gains a deeper understanding of how Erin feels, encouraging greater empathy. Having to take a taxi to school and having a one to one support are also explored. Although well-meaning, Erin’s new class helper, Barbara, doesn’t actually communicate with Erin, failing to consider her wishes or establish any ground rules for their relationship, highlighting potential problems.

However, family and friendship are very much at the heart of this story. Aimee is a fabulous character, genuinely believing in her friend and Erin really comes to appreciate her over the course of the novel, recognising her true worth. Erin is surrounded by the love and support of her family, a tight unit, who are keen to be positive and focus on the things which Erin and Joe can do, encouraging them to be themselves and to be the best they can be- a universal message we can all benefit from! There are touching family scenes, but also plenty of humour, making the book a joy to read.

I Got This Cara Mailey and Chrissie Sains

Scholastic ISBN: 978-0702314988

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