
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Cardiff Literature Festival Sue Wilsher Cardiff Literature Festival Sue Wilsher

Cardiff Literature Festival 2023

Today, I braved the crowds of rugby fans and made my way to see Tracey Corderoy and Steven Lenton at the Cardiff Literature Festival! Their event was held in the Undercroft of Cardiff Castle, a beautiful location for an exciting event!

The sun was shining on the queue of eager Shifty and Sam fans waiting to descend the steps leading to the Undercroft. Lots of excited little ones gathered on the cushions at the front to await the arrival of their favourite robber/baker dogs- and Tracey and Steven, of course!

The session started with Tracey telling everyone the original Shifty McGifty and Slippery Sam story with the able assistance of Steven, who was in charge of props. It is the 10th anniversary of this wonderful book which is one of my all time favourite picture books and it was a real pleasure to hear Tracey and Steven in action!

Next, everyone had a go at drawing Sam with expert guidance from Steven. The children’s pictures were wonderful- I never cease to be amazed at the confidence and joy they show, quite unlike adults who have learned to be hesitant and self-critical! Tracey then read our loveable dogs’ latest adventure, ‘Pirates Ahoy!’, encouraging everyone to join in with the telling!

The session ended with a game, half the audience chanting for Shifty and half for Sam- and Team Shifty won! This caused great joy and great disappointment in equal measure! However, smiles were soon restored as it was time to have copies of the books signed and have a chat with Tracey and Steven. It was a lovely event- the perfect start to the day!

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