
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Non-fiction, Hobbies, Chess Sue Wilsher Non-fiction, Hobbies, Chess Sue Wilsher

Become a Chess Champion

‘Become a Chess Champion’ is an excellent guide for beginners to the challenges and enjoyment of the game of chess.

Comical chess pieces full of personality introduce the reader to how they can move, their value in a game and their strengths and weaknesses. All the information is clearly presented with humour, making it engaging and easy to follow. The author then moves on the explain some of the technical terminology connected to the game, supported by diagrams which offer further explanation. Everything is fully explained and at a pace which allows readers to fully absorb each point before moving on.

The ’how to’ advice is interspersed with information about the history of the game and famous chess players. Readers can learn about the invention of the folding chess board, the development of computer chess and chess games in space. There are also ‘Solve the Puzzle’ pages which offer chess challenges to consider, offering support and developing understanding of the game.

For schools with chess clubs, children learning at home and families wanting to play together, ‘Become a Chess Champion’ offers an excellent introduction to the game, with the expert advice of James Canty III and appealing illustrations from Brian Lambert.

Become a Chess Champion

James Canty III, illustrated by Brian Lambert

Neon Squid     ISBN: 978-1838993627

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