There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.
NNFN2024: Young Zoologist
Designed to inspire young biologists, the ‘Young Zoologist’ series offers ‘a first field guide…’ to a whole range of creatures. Children with an interest in nature are sure to want to collect the whole set and school libraries and classrooms would benefit from having these texts on their shelves, both for research and for general interest.
‘Axolotl’ opens with an introduction to the author and a fact file which offers an excellent overview of these fascinating creatures. Each spread has a clear heading introducing its topic with information presented in clear sections under side headings, making it easy to navigate.
Bright and appealing illustrations accompany information on the axolotl’s life cycle, mating rituals and other members of the salamander family. The book also offers information on how studying these creatures might be beneficial to humans, such as helping those with spinal injuries. As axolotls are found in Mexico, they feature in Aztec mythology, something which is also covered in the book.
A very informative and attractive book.
Young Zoologist: Axolotl
Dr Jessica Lamae Whited, illustrated by Bethany Lord
Neon Squid ISBN: 978- 1916745094
Dr Julia Mata opens the book by introducing herself and her interest in capybaras. A fact file including the scientific name, classification and where they are found, indicates that there are two species, the greater and lesser capybara.
Clear page headings introduce each spread and side headings make it easy for readers to locate information, which is presented in concise, easily digestible chunks. A glossary at the end of the book clearly explains terms which are used in the text.
Having ‘met’ the capybara on a spread with a labelled diagram, other members of the rodent family are introduced. The book offers information about their habitats, dietary requirements and life cycle. Readers also learn about the impact they have on their ecosystems and the threats they face from predators, including humans. Colourful illustrations throughout make the book appealing.
Young Zoologist: Capybara
Dr Julia Mata, illustrated by Greco Westermann
Neon Squid ISBN: 978-1916745087