
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Picture Book, Humour Sue Wilsher Picture Book, Humour Sue Wilsher

Holey Moley

When Gus the Goat meets Mavis Mole, he enthusiastically sets about trying to guess where she lives. However, his determination to find a rhyme soon becomes annoying as he ignores all Mavis’s attempts to set him straight!

Full of fun, ‘Holey Moley’ is a brilliant story for sharing. Children will love Gus’s attempts to rhyme and will, no doubt, be full of their own suggestions for where Mavis might live- and then perhaps turn their attention to other creatures (good luck with squirrel!). There is a joyful silliness about Gus’s suggestions which makes the story a delight to read aloud as each idea is wackier than the last!

Anders Frang’s illustrations capture the anarchic humour brilliantly and each spread offers plenty of additional fun! I love the antics of the squirrels on the end papers and then throughout the book as they observe the unfolding drama! This is one of those books which will have young readers shouting, ‘Again!’ as soon as it’s finished! Great fun!

Holey Moley

Bethan Clarke, illustrated by Anders Frang

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1801044134

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