
There are so many incredible books available at the moment that it is impossible to read them all, no matter how hard I try! Here are my thoughts about some of the books I have read and how I think they could be used in school as well as Q and A sessions with authors and illustrators.

Fiction, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher Fiction, Younger Readers Sue Wilsher

Autumn Moonbeam Dance Magic!

Autumn Moonbeam loves dance and gymnastics so when she discovers that Sparkledale Dance Academy has places on their competitive dance team, Black Cats, she is desperate to try out. But Autumn is worried that she won’t be good enough to make it in to the team and her anxiety is made worse by the fact that her neighbour, Severina Bloodworth, is also trying out for the team. With the support of family and friends, Autumn finds the confidence to attend the auditions, but will everything go according to plan on the day?

Full of magic, dance and friendship, this is a little book that really packs a punch! Autumn and her family- her twin, Zephyr, brothers Mordecai, Toadflax and baby, Knotweed, mum, Ghostly Gran and various pets- are a wonderful bunch and her slightly chaotic, very crowded home might not be the ideal place for her to practise her dance moves, but it is a loving and supportive place. Readers from big families will no doubt empathise with Autumn and her desire for some space of her own whilst recognising this sense of love and togetherness.

Another thing readers are sure to empathise with is Autumn’s feelings of self doubt and anxiety. However, her determination to try something new and not give up at the first hurdle shows how perseverance and determination- with a little support from friends and family- can pay off and have positive results. Autumn’s strength of character and good nature are also shown in how she deals with Severina.

The illustrations are delightful. The dance pictures capture the joy and excitement of dancing with magical touches and are sure to appeal to readers. You can even follow the step by step pictures to help you copy Autumn’s audition dance routine! There is so much to enjoy in this slender book which is sure to be a magical success! A second book in the series is coming out later this year!

Autumn Moonbeam Dance Magic!

Emma Finlayson-Palmer, illustrated by Heidi Cannon

UCLan Publishing ISBN: 978-1912979769

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