Mort the Meek and the Monstrous Quest

Having decided she is a god, the Queen of Brutalia has offered a prize to anyone bold enough to take to the seas and return bearing treasure. Mort is amongst the brave adventurers who set sail, but he is motivated by the desire to find his father and the twins, Gosh and Gee, rather than bringing the Queen riches. Although his sailing partner was supposed to be Weed, best friend and fellow pacifist, Mort has ended up sharing a boat with Punky Mason, a rock-crusher’s daughter and pacifist’s nightmare. When they find evidence of the legendary sea-monster, the Belgo, peace loving Mort is convinced it is responsible for the disappearance of his family and becomes consumed by the desire for revenge. Will he be able to stick to the Pacifist Promise?

Full of quirky humour, this deliciously dark tale is brimming with word play and fun. Each chapter is introduced by lobsters, Larry and Bruce, who continue the tradition of corny jokes started by the ravens in book one. The Queen/ God Queen’s alarming fashion sense (tarantula leg eyelashes!) is only slightly outdone by her imaginative and dastardly Punishments of the Day- all of which are sure to make the reader chuckle. Anb bon’t unberestimate the denefits of deing adle to recognise ‘b’ anb ‘d’ either!

Although Mort ends up partnered with Punky, who initially seems like his worst nightmare, the two form a strong partnership and Mort realises that appearances can be deceiving. Having let his fury cloud his judgement, ultimately, Mort stays true to his beliefs and remains Mort the Meek, the gentle pacifist we came to love in the first book, rather than becoming Mort the Murderer.

The story is brilliantly illustrated by George Ermos who captures many scenes, using a mixture of full page pictures as well as smaller ones through the text. Larry and Bruce appear at the beginning of each chapter and their range of expressions is incredible!

Ono (from book one) is only mentioned in passing in this story, which is a shame, but perhaps that little mention is hint of another book including her to come? We can only hope so. Meanwhile, Mort learns there ‘is beauty wherever you look for it’ and almost everyone lives happily ever after…But, in a land like Brutalia, who can tell what might happen next?!

Mort the Meek and the Monstrous Quest

Rachel Delahaye, illustrated by George Ermos

Little Tiger ISBN: 978-1788953153

NB: Teachers- just be aware that ‘sod off’ is used a few times in the text!


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