Kind Crocodile

When Crocodile leaves his pond, he finds himself called on for help by a series of animals fleeing danger. First comes a mouse, then a warthog, next an antelope and finally, a rhino. As each takes refuge on his back, Crocodile becomes overwhelmed and decides to teach them a lesson!

Simple text and gorgeous illustrations combine perfectly to convey this gently humorous tale about Kind Crocodile whose patience is tested to the limit. Each creature he saves rides proudly on his back, confident that the combination of crocodile’s sharp teeth and his fearsome ‘Grrrrr!’ will be enough to ward off danger. But none of them notice that Crocodile is flagging under their weight and when Rhino comes along, poor Crocodile is left flattened and speechless. Banding together, they see off the danger, boasting about their bravery and teamwork…until Crocodile decides enough is enough and gives them a good scare before they all make they way off together once more. The illustrations are just delightful and the text is both simple and satisfying enough to have little ones joining in!

The story offers plenty to chat about as children can empathise with how the characters are feeling- and how they make Crocodile feel. Children are sure to be tempted to draw Crocodile and his friends as well - and perhaps create stories about the adventures which they set off to share together! This is sure to become a firm favourite!

I would have loved to have been able to hear Leo Timmers speak at Oxford Literary Festival tomorrow as I love his artwork, but sadly, this is not possible! Perhaps next year…

Kind Crocodile Leo Timmers

Gecko Press ISBN: 978-1776574704

You can read my review of ‘Elephant Island’ here.


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