Blog Tour: The Greatest Stuff on Earth

Today it’s my turn on the Blog Tour for ‘The Greatest Stuff on Earth’, an amazing look at the science behind lots of stuff we take for granted!

‘The Greatest Stuff on Earth’ is packed full of fascinating…stuff! Offering a light-hearted look at everything from aeroplanes to x-rays, this brightly coloured book is perfect for dipping in and out of.

Divided into ‘Stuff: The Basics’, ‘Nature Stuff’ and ‘Stuff Humans Make and Use’, there is a huge amount of information contained in these pages, accompanied by plenty of photographs, illustrations and diagrams. The author has a chatty, quirky style which is sure to engage young readers whilst offering clear and simple explanations about some quite complex topics.

In addition to a contents, an index and a glossary, there is also a section about the research for the book and selected sources used. The author explains some of the pitfalls of using websites for research, how he selects which to use and how he cross-references to his findings to ensure he is sharing reliable information. In addition to all the fascinating facts in the main text of the book, this section would make an excellent starting point for discussions with children about checking sources and verifying information.

A really enjoyable read!

The Greatest Stuff On Earth

Steve Tomecek, illustrated by John Devolle

What on Earth! ISBN: 978-1804661413

Many thanks to Laura for inviting me to take part in this Blog Tour. Make sure you have a look at the other stops!


Michael Rosen’s Pocket Shakespeare


Wild Magic: Legend of the Black Lion