Brilliant Bookshops: Hunt’s Bookshop

Rugby is a market town on the east edge of Warwickshire, famous for Rugby school, the birthplace of the game of Rugby, invented in 1823 by a schoolboy named William Webb Ellis. The town centre boasts a mixture of independent shops and familiar chains with evidence of the town’s history in the names of the streets and buildings.

The High Street has been pedestrianised and it is at number 9 that Hunt’s Bookshop can be found. Established 23 years ago, the shop is still run by members of the Hunt family today. From the shop front, it appears to be an unassuming, smallish shop; however, the frontage belies the delight which lies behind!

The shop is a cornucopia of book-ish delight, offering both pre-loved and new books on a wide range of subjects. The shelves are bursting with volumes on all manner of topics, making browsing an absolute joy as there is so much to discover. On the ground floor, there is an extensive classics section with a range of beautifully bound volumes and a wonderful range of poetry titles. The shop also offers an excellent section about transport and lots of history and military books. However, it was the children’s section that delighted me the most!

At the back, near the till area, the shop widens offering a space dedicated to children’s books. Here, the shelves are loaded from floor to ceiling with an amazing array of goodies. I was particularly delighted by the myths and legends section! The children of the area are really lucky to have such a selection to choose from! The shop also sold a great range of gift ideas, including author/book themed bags, pencil cases, glasses cases and key rings, and character toys, games and puzzles.

Although I did not have time to visit, upstairs is home to Revolution Records. As well as records, a large range of sheet music books and classical CD's are available and judging by the number of people who made their way up the stairs, it is very popular.

The lady at the till was very friendly and helpful and if I lived closer, this is a shop I would spend a great deal of time in! Worth making a special trip for, Hunt’s Bookshop is one not to be missed!

Hunt’s Bookshop

9 High St,

Rugby CV21 3BG


Brilliant Bookshops: Jaffe and Neale, Chipping Norton


Brilliant Bookshops: Paragon Books