Brilliant Bookshops: Book Stop

Full of independent shops, Tavistock is a lovely market town on the edge of Dartmoor. It is an ancient stannary (a tin-mining district in Cornwall or Devon) town and although the precise origin of the cream tea is disputed, it claims to be the home of the cream tea. Apparently, historians have found evidence that a tradition of eating bread with cream and jam existed at Tavistock abbey in Devon during the 11th century! It is also the birthplace of Sir Francis Drake; however, it was Book Stop, a lovely independent bookshop in Market Street, which tempted us to visit. Books for me and records for him- the perfect combination!

As usual, I headed for the children’s section and was delighted to find a welcoming space, full of book-ish delights. A lot of thought has obviously been given to the layout of this section- and to the titles stocked. There was a great selection of non-fiction titles, covering a good range of subjects and different age ranges, and a nice selection of poetry books.

A lovely display of picture books included perennial favourites mixed with new delights. The fiction shelves were excellent- a fabulous range on offer for all ages. Someone has obviously stocked these shelves with great care, offering a balance of genres and authors to appeal to different tastes and abilities.

Twisting stairs take you up to a wonderful array of books for grown ups (’adult’ books just sounds so wrong!) including a great section of local interest. There is also a music floor, offering an excellent selection of CDs and vinyl.

‘Book Stop’ is a wonderful shop, with friendly, helpful staff- highly recommended for a visit!

Book Stop

3, Market Street, Tavistock, Devon PL19 0DA


Brilliant Bookshops: St Ives Bookseller


Brilliant Bookshops: The Edge of the World Bookshop