Brilliant Bookshops: Shrew Books

Fowey is one of those quaint places which you can’t help visiting again and again! Full of independent shops, places to eat and narrow streets of mediaeval and Georgian buildings, it is easy to spend plenty of time here, watching people and the boats on the river. In summer, it can be unbearably busy, a victim of its own success, but catch it before the crowds hit and it is easy to appreciate its charms.

Shrew Books has taken over what used to be Bookends, a very popular, well-established bookshop on the main street of the town. I have fond memories of popping into Bookends with my nephew, usually having arrived in the town by my brother’s boat and avoiding the nightmare of parking, and so was keen to see what the new owners had done with the shop as I had not visited the town since just before lockdown.

And I was not disappointed! Inside, the space has been used in much the same way and yet, it somehow seems far more spacious than it used to. The shop celebrates Cornish authors, settings and locations, offering a lovely range of tempting titles.

It also stocks a very pleasing selection of children’s books, with a great mix of new titles and firm favourites. Attractive displays make it easy to spot something interesting to read! Fowey is a vibrant, bustling town, making it well worth a visit- and Shrew Books just adds to that magic!

Shrew Books,

4 South St,


PL23 1AR


Brilliant Bookshops: The Swanage Bookshop